Hero Maker!


Success Without a Successor is...?

There is more to life than success for those asking a deeper question, "how can I live a life of significance? Live a life that matters?

Success might bring financial security in a gated community and the admiration of associates, but significance is something far deeper than things, position and status. Significance involves making a difference in other's lives, making others the heroes, rather than ourselves.Where do you begin? Talk to your pastor about starting another program at church? What about convincing Congress to pass new legislation to fund Hero making initiatives? Why not lobby Bible College and Seminary presidents to start "Hero Making Departments"?

No! "Converting government," or "converting the church", Bible College or Denomination is not the answer.Convert me! That is the first step. The old hymn "It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer," is the humble attitude that is the first necessary step. Begin with me Lord!

Jesus never told us to convert the world or to reform religious institutions or governments. He did make it clear that when we are filled with His Spirit we could not help but witness of him "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Witnesses simply tell the good news, causing others to know the truth. No manipulation or coercion is necessary, just a simple invitation, "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).

Making heroes of others is what it means to "Make disciples." This is the assignment from God for His church, and everything else is simply details.Unschooled and ordinary men became heroes who "turned the world upside down". This happened because Jesus was the ultimate "Hero Maker" and he transformed their lives (Acts 4:13). These ordinary men were transformed as they observed Jesus in action, as he built the Kingdom of God. His teaching, direction and correction had a profound influence on these men who watched Jesus die, then come back from death in resurrection power. The main thing they had going for them, because they weren't that impressive, was their constant hunger to learn from Jesus how to live in the Kingdom of God. They are a model for us to this day of what it means to live in the Kingdom of God now, "seeking the Kingdom of God" and "His righteousness."

Success without a successor is... failure!

Start by being a convert to the way of living that Jesus modeled. Then consider, "as you are going," about your life, ask Jesus who He wants to make a hero, through you for the Kingdom of God. Then keep your eyes open to see the doors that He opens for you by faith, and keep going.


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