What’s Next for the Church?


The future is looking pretty challenging for the church today.

As student invited Professor Howard Hendricks to visit his church one Sunday. Afterward, the student Howard what he thought. Howard was never one to mix words, responded, “I think you should build a fence around it and charge admission for people to see what a church looked like in the 1950s.”

Why is the church one of the most change averse organizations on the planet. The natural pull of the church to toward caring for the insiders, since you rarely hear the outsiders complain. But God has called us to risk and to step out in faith and to care about the least and the lost.

The following articles are the best I found this week to challenge each of us to be forward thinking. After all, in God’s kingdom, “playing it safe is risky,” Just ask the guy who buried his talent in the ground.

Stan Lubeck

Pastor Stan Lubeck and his wife, Robin, have served in ministry for over 40 years. He has built teams and equipped leaders in every setting, in small churches and large, in the US, and on foreign soil. If you desire to make more and better followers of Jesus, Stan has the experience and proven resources that can help you take your ministry or business to the next level. Stan is currently functioning as the virtual Executive Pastor at one church while coaching business leaders and missionaries.


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